
Patients Residents & Families

Before you visit

Outbreak statuses are included below for each site.


Here is what you need to know about visiting your loved one:


  • Please review the site-specific information below before visiting.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your visit. 
    • Ottawa Public Health recommends that anyone with symptoms not visit a high risk setting like a hospital or long-term care home. If your symptoms are related to a COVID-19 infection, they recommend that you not visit these settings for 10 days following the onset of symptoms or date of positive COVID-19 test, whichever is earlier.
    • When you are starting to feel better, please follow the advice of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) before returning to visit your loved one in a hospital or long-term care home. See here for OPH recommendations for respiratory illness (including gastro symptoms) and COVID-19.
  • Help us keep your loved ones safe by taking 5 minutes to complete this PPE training module before visiting.
  • Everyone on our sites are encouraged to stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations. Staying up to date is the best way to protect yourself from becoming very sick and requiring hospitalization. Find more information on how to book the COVID-19 vaccine visit https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/covid-19-vaccine.aspx.
  • See here for the latest masking requirements at Bruyère Health.

For information on our COVID-19 response, visitation guidelines, services offered and more, contact family support service directly at familysupportservice@bruyere.org or 613-562-6262 ext. 4200.

Bruyère Health Saint-Vincent Hospital


Accessing the hospital

  • Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day and the number of visitors is determined in collaboration with the patient, their loved ones, and the care team.
  • For the well-being of all our patients, quiet hours will begin at 9 p.m. and go until 6 a.m.
  • Visitors between the hours of 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. will need to enter through our 60 Cambridge St. entrance at Bruyère Health Saint-Vincent Hospital and follow posted signage to enter.
Keeping your loved ones safe
  • Help us keep your loved ones safe by taking 5 minutes to complete this PPE training module before visiting.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your visit.
    • Ottawa Public Health recommends that anyone with symptoms not visit a high risk setting like a hospital or long-term care home. If your symptoms are related to a COVID-19 infection, they recommend that you not visit these settings for 10 days following the onset of symptoms or date of positive COVID-19 test, whichever is earlier.
    • When you are starting to feel better, please follow the advice of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) before returning to visit your loved one in a hospital or long-term care home. See here for OPH recommendations for respiratory illness (including gastro symptoms) and COVID-19.
  • Patients and visitors eating together is permitted, unless the unit is on outbreak.
For information on how to book a COVID-19 vaccination and eligibility, see Ottawa Public Health’s website

Bruyère Health Élisabeth-Bruyère Hospital


Accessing the hospital

  • Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day and the number of visitors is determined in collaboration with the patient, their loved ones, and the care team.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your visit.
    • Ottawa Public Health recommends that anyone with symptoms not visit a high risk setting like a hospital or long-term care home. If your symptoms are related to a COVID-19 infection, they recommend that you not visit these settings for 10 days following the onset of symptoms or date of positive COVID-19 test, whichever is earlier.
    • When you are starting to feel better, please follow the advice of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) before returning to visit your loved one in a hospital or long-term care home. See here for OPH recommendations for respiratory illness (including gastro symptoms) and COVID-19.
  • Visitors between the hours of 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. will need to enter through our 43 Bruyère St. entrance and follow posted signage to enter.
Keeping your loved ones safe
  • Help us keep your loved ones safe by taking 5 minutes to complete this PPE training module before visiting.
  • Visitors who are feeling unwell need to reschedule their visit until they are feeling better.
  • Patients and visitors eating together is permitted, unless the unit is on outbreak.


For information on how to book a COVID-19 vaccination and eligibility, see Ottawa Public Health’s website.


Bruyère Health Élisabeth-Bruyère Long-Term Care

A gastrointestinal outbreak has been declared on levels 5 and 6 at Bruyère Health Élisabeth-Bruyère Long-Term Care. General visitation is not permitted until further notice. Essential Care Partners can continue to visit as always. Regular visitation continues on all other units. 



Accessing the long-term care home

  • Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day.
  • For the well-being of all our residents, quiet hours will begin at 9 p.m. and go until 6 a.m.
  • For more information around visitation in long-term care, please read our Visiting policy.

Keeping your loved ones safe

  • Help us keep your loved ones safe by taking 5 minutes to complete this PPE training module before visiting.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your visit.
    • Ottawa Public Health recommends that anyone with symptoms not visit a high risk setting like a hospital or long-term care home. If your symptoms are related to a COVID-19 infection, they recommend that you not visit these settings for 10 days following the onset of symptoms or date of positive COVID-19 test, whichever is earlier.
    • When you are starting to feel better, please follow the advice of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) before returning to visit your loved one in a hospital or long-term care home. See here for OPH recommendations for respiratory illness (including gastro symptoms) and COVID-19.
  • Masks are recommended, but not required, in all areas of the home. This means that designated care partners and visitors may now share a meal or beverage in designated communal areas.
For information on how to book a COVID-19 vaccination and eligibility, see Ottawa Public Health’s website.

Bruyère Health Saint-Louis Long-Term Care


Accessing the long-term care home

  • Visitors are welcome 24 hours a day.
  • For the well-being of all our residents, quiet hours will begin at 9 p.m. and go until 6 a.m.
  • For more information around visitation in long-term care, please read our Visiting policy. 

Keeping your loved ones safe

  • Help us keep your loved ones safe by taking 5 minutes to complete this PPE training module before visiting.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your visit.
    • Ottawa Public Health recommends that anyone with symptoms not visit a high risk setting like a hospital or long-term care home. If your symptoms are related to a COVID-19 infection, they recommend that you not visit these settings for 10 days following the onset of symptoms or date of positive COVID-19 test, whichever is earlier.
    • When you are starting to feel better, please follow the advice of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) before returning to visit your loved one in a hospital or long-term care home. See here for OPH recommendations for respiratory illness (including gastro symptoms) and COVID-19.
  • A medical mask is temporarily mandatory for everyone entering the home.

For information on how to book a COVID-19 vaccination and eligibility, see Ottawa Public Health’s website.

Bruyère Health Greystone Transitional Care

This Transitional Care unit is overseen by Bruyère and managed by Integrated Care Solutions, a division of Bayshore HealthCare.  


Visiting hours

  • Visiting hours are between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.
  • The number of visitors is determined in collaboration with the patient, their loved ones, and the care team.
Keeping your loved ones safe
  • Help us keep your loved ones safe by taking 5 minutes to complete this PPE training module before visiting.
  • If you are feeling unwell, please reschedule your visit.
    • Ottawa Public Health recommends that anyone with symptoms not visit a high risk setting like a hospital or long-term care home. If your symptoms are related to a COVID-19 infection, they recommend that you not visit these settings for 10 days following the onset of symptoms or date of positive COVID-19 test, whichever is earlier.
    • When you are starting to feel better, please follow the advice of Ottawa Public Health (OPH) before returning to visit your loved one in a hospital or long-term care home. See here for OPH recommendations for respiratory illness (including gastro symptoms) and COVID-19.
  • Patients and visitors eating together is permitted, unless the unit is on outbreak.
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