OntarioMD (OMD) Health Report Manager (HRM)
Bruyère has created new partnerships
with other Ontario health care organizations to allow for the secure transfer
of essential health information about you with authorized health care providers
involved in your care. Bruyère and the participating organizations continue to
follow all applicable health privacy laws to protect the privacy and confidentiality
of your personal health information.
Here is a brief description of the new
initiative that was recently implemented to reduce the existing process of
paper copies and faxes being sent to the clinician’s office and to ensure the timely
and secure electronic flow of your health information to the electronic health
record systems of your health care providers:
The HRM is an OntarioMD managed
application that enables hospitals to electronically transmit patient reports to
the clinician’s Electronic Medical Record (EMR) for inclusion in follow-up
care. Report types: https://www.ontariomd.ca/products-and-services/health-report-manager/sending-facilities
For more information on Ontario MD: OntarioMD.
Consent Directives:
You can refuse to share
your information electronically and can also withdraw your consent at any time
by placing a consent directive (often referred to as a or lockbox). It is best
to discuss the implications of placing a consent directive with a member of
your treatment team or by contacting the Privacy and Access to Information
Office at 613-562-6262, extension 1687, or privacy@bruyere.org.
Access and Correction:
You have the right to
request copies of your health records transmitted to the OMD Electronic Medical Record (EMR) or request that your
record be corrected if you believe it contains an error. Please contact
our Health Records Department to request access
to your personal health information about a previous visit to Bruyère. For any
correction requests in your health record, please contact our Privacy and
Access to Information Office at 613-562-6262, extension 1687, or privacy@bruyere.org.
Inquiries and Complaints:
For privacy-related inquiries
and complaints about Bruyère’s participation in Ontario MD’s Health Report
Manager, please contact our Privacy and Access to Information Office at 613-562-6262, extension 1687, or privacy@bruyere.org.