Today, the Pan-Canadian Palliative Care Research Collaborative was awarded $5.9 million from the Canadian Cancer Society and Brain Canada to advance nationwide clinical trials in palliative care.
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Celebrating a year of success and commitment to impactful research.
Bruyère launched a new brand identity – and will now be known as Bruyère Health.
Newly appointed investigator with the Bruyère Health Research Institute focused on human rights to combat ageism
One of Bruyère's long-term care homes selected Esprit-ai for an innovative pilot project to assist staff in managing resident repositioning workflows and alert staff when residents are at risk of falling.
Bruyère is helping older adults transition home, safter and faster following a hospital stay, with Carefor as the care service provider in newly expanded Bruyère@Home program.
A researcher with Bruyère Health Research Institute has co-authored a study into people with opioid use disorder and their access to palliative care.
Barbara Farrell, PharmD, spoke with the New York Times on polypharmacy – the use of multiple prescription drugs.
Elizabeth Payne with the Ottawa Citizen recently visited Bruyère’s John and Jennifer Ruddy Geriatric Day Hospital.
New therapies would mean change at all levels.