On December 4, 2023, Bruyère will be updating our masking practices.
We are introducing a Zone Masking Model. This model will give more flexibility for those on our sites, while also recognizing that we are in peak respiratory illness season and need masking to continue for the protection of everyone who comes to Bruyère.
While masks will continue to be mandatory, this model introduces teal masking zones, and red masking zones.
- In non-clinical areas, our teal zones, masks may be removed in cases where 1 metre of physical distancing can be maintained.
- In clinical, long-term care resident, and waiting areas, our red zones, masks always need to be worn by everyone working, learning, visiting, and volunteering on our sites.
Those we care for, who can wear masks, are asked to do so when outside of their room in red masking zones, and in teal masking zones when it is not possible to maintain 1 metre of physical distancing. Outpatients will be asked to wear masks when coming in for their appointment. Masks will continue to be available at the entrances to our sites.