We are Bruyère Health

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Research, Foundation, In the Community

the ace has been caught

Foundation lotteries support innovation in patient care and research


Lucky winner Lise Tremblay drew the ace, winning a jackpot of $265,583 in the Bruyère Health Foundation’s Catch the Ace progressive, multiple-draw raffle.

At Bruyère, we provide specialized hospital services, long term care, and independent and assisted living for older adults. We are so moved by community members like Lise who have played along with the Catch the Ace raffle. Their contributions will support innovation in patient care and research.

Lise had a very personal reason for playing, she told us, “I had a sister who passed away at Bruyère. My other sister and I will always have Bruyère in our hearts because the staff there cared for my late sister during her last days”. We’re glad that we could be there for Lise’s family! Thank you, Lise for giving back to us!

Bruyère lotteries

In late 2020, the Bruyère Health Foundation launched two lotteries that are helping to fund patient care and advance research and innovation.

Catch the Ace is a progressive, multiple-draw raffle. In addition to Lise, a total of 43 weekly winners collectively won over $165k.

The 50/50 staff lottery continues to spur engagement and excitement among employees, allowing them to participate, win, and give back to our mission every payday.

With ticket sales quickly approaching $1 million, these two programs allow our supporters and staff to win big while giving back to our community at the same time.

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