Report to our community 2018-19


A message from our leadership

Bruyère is about to embark on its 175th year in Ottawa. There is much to look back on and be proud of and even more to aspire to and achieve.

This year, we focused on Bruyère’s future, engaging our staff at all levels, regional health care partners and our community to undertake the most robust strategic planning process in Bruyère’s history. We invested in our people, launching the Your Care Journey, a multi-year leadership capacity building training program with Studer Group. We were recognized internationally for our provision of specialized care and ranked as one of Newsweek’s top 1000 hospitals in the world. Finally, teams across the organization dedicated time to showcase our commitment to quality in preparation for our Accreditation Canada visit. 

Looking forward, we will continue to be a leader in the delivery of sub-acute and integrated care. We will make progress on co-locating Bruyère’s hospital programs and building the hospital of the future. We are also exploring the expansion of our residential programs to new areas of the city to better meet the needs of people requiring specialized care. While these developments will greatly enhance our care and service offering, we will look for opportunities to provide virtual care beyond our walls. As a committed partner in the regional health care ecosystem, we will continue to advance care pathways to build a system that ensures people are supported throughout their care journey. 

Further achievements and the variety of services we provide are highlighted throughout this report and told through the lens of those best suited to comment: our patients, residents and tenants. These stories share the full scope of care we provide and cutting-edge research that together combines to maximize the quality of life of the people we serve, whether they are living independently in the community or have a home with us at Bruyère.



 Louis Savoie

Louis Savoie, Board Chair

guy chartrand
Guy Chartrand, President and CEO