1. On-site placement checklist
Within two weeks of their start date, all new students are required to complete the Bruyère Health student Checklist. The e-modules can be found on the Learning Management System (LMS) available on InfoNet.
Once the form is completed, please sign and send to the director of practice, AHP Assistant (
tnair@bruyere.org) and to the director of practice, AHP (
2. Privacy and confidentiality form
Researchers, employees, students and volunteer are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality, privacy, and security of health information they have access to, and ensuring compliance with applicable institutional policy, legislation and regulatory requirements.
Please review and complete the Privacy and Confidentiality Statement Form. Once signed, please send to the director of practice, AHP Assistant (
tnair@bruyere.org) and to the director of practice, AHP (
3. Student orientation manual
Prior to the start of your placement, a student orientation manual will be sent to you by email. This has been developed for students training for Allied Health professions to help facilitate a positive learning experience at Bruyère Health. It will answer some of the FAQs such as parking and dress code.
Regular working hours are from Monday-Friday during the day. Pre-readings required to be completed before the start of the student rotation will be at the discretion of the preceptor. Please contact your preceptor for more information.
Director of Practice, Allied Health Professions
Stéphanie LaPlante, MHA, M.Sc, RD
Email: slaplante@bruyere.org
Administrative Assistant
Tricia Nair
Email: tnair@bruyere.org