Our Team
Who we are and what we do
Primrose Clinic has eight staff physicians, 15 family medicine residents, two nurse practitioners, registered nurses, pharmacist, dietitian, kinesiologist, social worker, mental health team and diabetes education team. Each of our staff is registered with his or her professional college.
Residency Program
Our clinic is fortunate to have family medicine residents and other students who receive training from our staff. Our residents are doctors who have graduated from medical school and who can see patients independently and write prescriptions. They are at all times supervised by one of our staff physicians. You may be asked to see a resident or student while you are cared for in our clinic and we appreciate your cooperation in this important endeavor.
Inter-professional Team
Our team consists of administrative staff, family physicians, nurse practitioners, registered nurses, dietitian, social worker, pharmacist, mental health team and diabetes educators.
Your family physician offers complete medical care for every age group. There are two types of physicians at the family medicine centre:
- Staff physicians, who are full-time appointees of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Medicine, provide care to their patients, teach, and carry out research in family medicine.
- Resident physicians, who have graduated from medical school and are training to be family physicians, are with us in Family Medicine for a minimum period of two years. They provide care to patients under the close supervision of the teaching staff to ensure excellence of care. You may also encounter medical students working with your doctor.
Nurse Practitioners
Provide care to patients of all ages with a focus on preventing disease, promoting good health and curing illness. The nurse practitionner works independently and in consultation with family physicians if required
The team receptionists receive your phone calls and greet you when you visit. They can make appointments, help you with changes in information and direct you to the right person at the right time.
Registered Nurse
The registered nurse is responsible for coordination of patient care with other health care professionals and outside resources, patient follow-up, teaching patients about their healthcare, providing for patient care in the office, including assisting at minor surgical procedures and general nursing care.
Diabetes Educators
A registered dietitian and a registered nurse, who are both experts in diabetes care, help people living with pre-diabetes and diabetes to make choices to better control blood sugar and prevent complications.
Provides education about the food we eat, and its effect on our health, from babies to seniors. This might include management of chronic diseases, healthy lifestyle changes, prevention, supplements, meal plans and food selection.
Social Worker
Provides counselling for problems that affect you or your family’s quality of life, such as stress and loss, and can assist you in finding resources in the community.
Works with you and your medical team to make sure you do not have any problems related to your medication (e.g. to identify and prevent side effects and drug interactions, ensure most appropriate drug and dose for you and keep drug regimen as simple as possible).
Mental Health Team
The Shared Mental Health Care Clinical Team is inter-professional and can assist the Family Health Team provider in health promotion, early detection, treatment and prevention of mental health problems.
Marisa Leblanc, RD
Anna Morin, RKin
Nurse Practitioners
Tawnya Shimizu, NP
Kathleen Burgess, NP
Dr. Roland Halil Ph.D. (Pharm.)
Referrals clerks
Diane Desjardins
Danielle Perras
Social Worker
Nichelle Bradley, RSW
Diabetes Team
Genèvieve Grégoire, RD
Rosy Castor, RN
Staff Physicians
Dr. Paul Crabtree
Dr. Alan Ng
Dr. Sohil Rangwala
Dr. Erin Stone
Dr. Jolanda Turley
Dr. Janet Barber
Hailey Sutherland: 613-230-7788