Careers & Volunteering

Testimonials From Our Volunteers

Testimonials From Our Volunteer, Heidi.


“My name is Heidi and today, I will be performing a selection of classical and contemporary pieces…”

As the familiar chords of “Bridge over Troubled Water” echo through the room, I smile.

Since December 2014, the highlight of my Saturday afternoon is to perform an hour long piano concert on 6th floor Rehab. My repertoire selection ranges from classical music, such as “Fantasie Impromptu” by Chopin, to contemporary pieces including “River Flows in You” by Yiruma. Despite the wide range of pieces written by composers from different centuries, there is a single underlying commonality: transporting my audience to another realm of tranquility, passion and emotion.

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I have always believed in the healing power of music but I have never witnessed this therapeutic effect firsthand. Each week, I play music for the patients, chat with them and listen to their stories. Knowing that my music brightens their bad days and brings them happiness and calmness is my greatest reward. The reciprocal act of creating music and listening to music is perhaps the only existing language and relationship that does not require words and is wholly transparent – no euphemisms or falsehoods. This is evident each time I surreptitiously glance at my audience while I play. These snapshots of my audience while they are lost in my music – eyes closed and head nodding – resonate with me long after the notes end. It is simply awe-inspiring and humbling to see and feel that I am truly making a difference.
I am blessed to have this opportunity to share my love for music with patients at Elisabeth Bruyère Hospital. The warm appreciation expressed by both patients and staff has brought me much joy and encouragement. No matter how you choose to dedicate your time as a volunteer at Elisabeth Bruyère Hospital, I hope that the precious snapshots and memories of your volunteering experience bring as bright of a smile to your face - as mine have for me.
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