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Interactive exhibit exploring end-of-life experiences at Bruyère Health.

The Terminal Diner


Join us September 25 – October 11, 2024 at Bruyère’s Bruyère Health Saint-Vincent Hospital to place your “order” at The Terminal Diner!


This interactive installation combines research and design to explore the topic of end-of-life experiences. Borrowing characteristics of a diner, The Terminal Diner invites participants to complete menu “chits” detailing selections for their “orders” for their own desired end-of-life health care journeys, and to “leave “reviews” of past experiences, capturing experiences of a loved one’s end-of-life care journey.

Death and end of life remain difficult topics for many Canadians. To better understand how we grapple with death, researchers are interested in what we might consider an ideal experience at end of life, to help guide the future of care in Canada.

This is a unique experience, co-led by Sarina Isenberg, PhD, Chair in Mixed Methods Palliative Care Research at the Bruyère Health Research Institute, bridging science and design for meaningful engagement from our staff, patients, their loved ones, and our community.

The exhibit is hosted in the atrium of Bruyère’s Bruyère Health Saint-Vincent Hospital. No registration is required and admission is free.


Come share your order with us!


Can’t make it? Try the virtual menu option here.

Learn more about the installation here. 

Bruyère’s Bruyère Health Saint-Vincent Hospital, Atrium
60 Cambridge St N, Ottawa, ON K1R 7A5

Wednesday, September 25 – Friday, October 11.
We encourage you to visit between 9:00am – 4:00pm.

Connect in-person with the team behind the exhibit, speaking to the science and design behind the installation that invites people of all ages to reflect on death and dying.

  • Wednesday September 25, 2:00pm - 4:00pm - Aris Wills.
  • Tuesday October 1, 12:00pm - 4:30pm - Sarina Isenberg.

Please follow all infection prevention and control measures in place while onsite.


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