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rehabilitation day

Happy Rehabilitation Day!


Today, Mayor Watson proclaimed September 15, 2021, “Rehabilitation Day” in recognition of the life-changing impact of rehabilitation services -- services that provide dignity, independence, and hope to community members.

Rehabilitation builds strength, fosters independence, and enhances both mental and physical potential of the people we care for at Bruyère.

Movement is medicine and every day we hear more stories of the way teams at Bruyère are moving patients through rehabilitation to push boundaries and achieve care goals. We have shared two stories below, and we know there are many, many more. We encourage you to join in #rehabiliationday by following @Bruyèrecare and sharing your stories with us!

Moving stories #BeMoved

Photo of Caroline Lavigne on her wedding day

When Caroline Lavigne suffered a stroke at the early age of 26, she found herself at one of Bruyère’s specialized hospital for stroke rehabilitation. She didn’t know if she’d ever return to her normal life. Together with her stroke rehabilitation team, Caroline got stronger every day and is now creating a new normal with her husband and their 14-month-old son Greely.


Photo of Rob Cairns and his family

Recently, we welcomed a patient named Rob Cairns to our Saint-Vincent site. Following a life altering accident in 2007, Rob became a quadriplegic and in 2019, developed an infection which resulted in him being placed on a ventilator. However, Rob didn’t want to be on a vent for the rest of his life. He had just started living again and didn’t want to give up his independence. With Rob’s incredible dedication, our rehabilitation and complex medical care team developed an aggressive care plan that would see Rob be taken off that ventilator and return home!

As part of today’s recognition, we would like to send our deep appreciation and celebrate all of the passionate professionals who have dedicated their careers to this work.

Thank you for your continued commitment to rehabilitation and creating a world of possibilities for patients and residents.

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